Road Diary 11/03/23 - Palm Springs, CA

A week in the desert with family, properly disconnected from work, outside almost all day everyday. It takes the first few days to get into it, and then there’s a few in the middle where it feels like I’ve let go and am actually present. As we wrap up, I’m hit with all my usual homecoming malcontent, unsure if I’m doing the right things or in the right place. Wondering what the future holds and how I got here. I question my purpose and look at job postings, consider what (if anything) might be more meaningful professionally than what I’ve found myself doing…but nothing seems so certain it’s worth the follow through. So I stay myself. Remind myself it doesn’t have to be a job where we find meaning, and remember that I already have all of the best things in life around me…people who matter and who love me, and a family who cares. Maybe it’s okay if I’m still seeking something intangible and obscure, so long as there’s folks to go home to, or in this case, come home with, wherever home might be today.


Road Diary 12/04/2023 - Toronto, ON


Road Diary 08/03/23 - Joshua Tree, CA