Road Diary 13/02/23 - Vancouver, BC

Time slips unbeknownst, unfolds itself across the sky and folds itself back in, like seamless origami. Finite but without edges, I watch the contrast heighten and the space between objects grow distinct.

I ready myself for the day, the way morning will chase me, then seem to escape, and afternoon will loom then collapse all around me into early evening. The way the day seems to have no middle, because by the time we’re at the middle the middle’s gone. Just like the way Thursdays arrive too soon after Wednesdays, towing with them the end of the week when we have not yet finished the first half of the week’s tasks.

I watch it go, the moments and the minutes and the weeks. I watch the sun and the hands on the clock and the calendar. It all confounds and fascinates me… the way I am here and already going elsewhere in my mind, the living being the same act as the dying, the fact that sleep takes everything away then gives it back again, the shift of months in a manner of collective moods that we all feel but refuse to succumb to—

trying to maintain a pace, in the midst of winter.


Road Diary 08/03/23 - Joshua Tree, CA


Road Diary 05/02/23 - London, ON